Poker host

Sunday, June 1, 2008


I have been told over and over again, that in Poker, sex sells. Though i know that sex is one of the greatest gift of being alive, and though i had been invited several times, i still think that sex for the sake of Poker should be avoided.

I really think it is kind of disgusting if you engage in sex just so you can know the secret or whatever it is to know about that particular famous Poker player. I mean, you can be successful in your own way. If you are really determined, nothing is impossible and you can beat every opponent you want to beat. I always say to those who ask, read Poker Reviews so you will know what is the right, Poker Rooms and Poker Strategy suited for you. Though some Poker Review sites are purely advertorial, there are still some sites out there who offer honest and unbiased reviews. An example would be the links in this post, just follow the links and you will be directed to the site where i think every single review is honest.

Moving on to Poker strategy here are some helpful tips for beginners or average Poker players. Be sure to follow it by heart, not just by mind.

My friends and I started out learning Poker by playing sit and go tournaments. It was a great way to learn about tournaments, blinds structure and aggression while not bleeding your whole deposit in a couple hours. We actually use to pride ourselves on how long it would be until we had to reload! Playing very tight a few years ago was actually the thing to do to make money.

Or at least not lose money. When you are learning Poker strategy that is especially crucial.

Super rock tight isn’t exactly the best way to play sit and go tournaments these days, because there are a lot of educated players now that use Poker calculator tools that really help their game and vastly improve critical decision making. Now wouldn’t it be great to have a system or training tool that can help you with those types of decisions?

Well, yeah having the right Poker tools is definitely an advantage, but it is the right moves that will make you win.

Pokeris a game that is filled with decisions which need to be made, risks that need to be taken and money that gets to go home with someone. If you want it to be you, you have to make the right moves.

Which move should you make ?

Is a fold the best thing to do? Perhaps a bet or maybe even a call is best.

Depending upon what move you make, the entire game is affected. However, in order to know what move to make, you need to know what is going on within the game. One of the most important things to remember is this; when you feel as if you should bet but you don't know for sure if you should just call, you should always bet.

That means that you have a feeling something good is in your hand or that you're going to take the game. Another thing to remember is that if you are having doubts and feel as if you're not going to win the round, you should most likely just fold.

Sure, it seems difficult however, you need to pay attention to your intuition as well as to the outward signs of how the game is going and who you are playing. When you are able to play 'in your face' and Poker make the other players sweat a bit and second guess themselves, you should go for it.

By betting or raising, you are placing more money in the pot as bait for other players to do the same. You are increasing the amount of money that you can possibly win and playing this kind of poker is a great way to take home the loot. A lot of times within the game of , if Poker you re- raise an opponent, he or she is going to want to prove that they are not afraid to check or even raise again.

This is one of the best Poker strategies that you can use in certain situations. Let's say you have the nuts and your opponents are raising and betting and action is good. Should you raise again ?

In most instances, simply calling and allowing yourself another round in the game is a great way to get as much money as you can from the bets. This is because you are in the game, you know that you can't be beaten but you are not scaring anyone off either by betting really high.

All of these moves are dependent upon the situation you are in during the game as well as what kind of players you are playing against. One thing is for sure; you want them second guessing their every move and afraid of you. That's how great Poker players win games.

The tips i just told you are a better way to improve your Poker standing rather than being part of the mediocre crowd who uses act of population to gain advances.

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